22-24 march 2024
theatrical performance

A theatrical performance that has to be crossed, a set-up to inhabit, a research on the meaning of the word "home" among teenagers nowdays. Which are the places they attend? What do they look for? Where do they feel at home in their city? IO ESCO places our footsteps next to the ones of a group of teenagers, in order to trace the rhythm of their soles, to register where they stop, where they accelerate, where they jump and where it is possible to take our shoes off and wear a pair of slippers.

art works by Babilonia Teatri, Daniele Costa (videoartist), Fabio Orioli (illustratore), Nadia Pillon (illustratrice), Elisa Pregnolato (fotografa), Nadia Pillon (illustratrice), Jonel Zanato (audio designer), Olga Bercini (performer)
critics handover Fabio Acca
set-up direction Luca Scotton
production Babilonia Teatri e La Corte Ospitale
with the support of Fondazione Compagnia diSan Paolo, MiC, Regione Emilia-Romagna
in collaboration con Fondazione TRG
the process of crossing the city of Turin and the path of listening the teenagers has been possible also thanks to the looks of Silvia Ferrari (facilitator), Stefano Masotti (phsyicotherapist) and Marco Pesce (architect)

22nd-23rd of March | performance open to the audience

20th-22nd of March | free workshop for teenagers

BABILONIA THEATRE founded in 2005 by Enrico Castellani and Valeria Raimondi, the company distinguishes itself in the italian contemporary theatre landscape for a language that have been defined with many voices pop, rock, punk. Babilonia Theatre is characterized by an irreverent and devergent look on the present that exposes the nerves of our time; by an "out of the box" style, which conceives theatre as a mirror of the society and reality. Using new visual and linguistic codes, the company expresses the necessity and the urgency of questioning, in order to bring out conflicts and tension, with irony and cynism, affection and indignation.

22-24 march 2024
theatrical performance