26 october 2023
theatre show

Luca is an exhilarating boy, full of the contradictions of our time. He's super curious and he's incapable of keeping a word for himself, which is not a defect in the world of cliches that sourround him. The story of Luca could be defined as a daring unsolved rebus if it wasn't for that fact, that one he always tells to everyone: that he sees, also what is not seen. And everyone want to know it. This fact of seeing in a world that cannot see become for Luca a problem that only his mother will be able to solve, in her way.

direction Salvatore Ventura
co-direction Isabella Luna Sciortino, Gabriella Zito
actor Roberto Mulia
lights Gabriella Zito
with the support of PimOff (MI), Gli Scarti (SP), Sementerie  Artistiche (Crevalcore, BO) 

A theatre show which is also a social obstinacy, unsolvable. A silent music. A border story, between fiction and reality, in a stifling world always tendend to the failure.An unfair conspiracy towards a childhood happiness, waiting that everything will end up. In the meanwhile a boy smiles to reality in front of him, which tells him how sometimes irony and desperation flow in thee same failure.

26th of October, h 19.30 | theatre show

B-LATERALE is a theatre company with sicilian origins made up of Salvatore Ventura, Roberto Mulia, Isabella Sciortino, Gabriella Zito e Delia Odddo. Giving a glance at the past, B-LAterale always look for the new in the contemporary dramaturgy, experimenting new languages, observing the sorrounding reality and telling it from a very personal point of view.

Project winner of the "PimOff award for contemporary theatre 2022".
Show included in "Milano è viva" with the contribution of Milan Municipality.

26 october 2023
theatre show