23-24 november 2022
Debutto milanese

On stage we see a tragicomic figure, a man. He seems to be alone but he is not, he talks to those who have always kept him company, real charachters, his four brothers, his mother, his beloved woman, who live with him and speak through him. They speak, act and dialogue, trying to solve their everyday life problems, in their own way. Electrocardiodrama looks like a mistake, but in reality it reveals a small truth, a latent fear, or a comic and surprising point of view.

with and by Leonardo Capuano

Leonardo Capuano represents a rigorous, accurate theatre, he bears a personal andoriginal vision on the depth of the human soul and its contradictions. This research laboratory will focus on the expressive possibilities of the actor, on the awareness of the action during the acting, together with physical and vocal work and the relationship with the text. Was known to the public in the double role of actor and author with various monologues, such as La cura (The cure), Zero Spaccato (Sharp Zero), La sofferenza inutile (The useless suffering), Elettrocardiodramma (Electrocardiodrama) and the last Il sistema nervoso (The nervous system). With Roberto Abbiati he created Pasticcieri (Pastry Chefs). He also worked, among others, with Renata Palminiello in the show Due (Two), with the Lombardi-Tiezzi company in Aristophanes's Gli uccelli (Birds), with Alessandro Serra in Macbettu. For some years he worked steadily with Umberto Orsini and conducted actor training with an approach linked to the physicality of gesture and voice.

23-24 november 2022
Debutto milanese